Monday, September 1, 2014

Make a Phablet With Free Out/Inbound VoIP Calls

I think we need one last Google Voice hack before Google potentially messes it up by moving it to Hangouts, don't ya think? Okay, how about turning your tablet into a phablet using Google Voice and Talkatone and having free calls in and out? What's a phablet? A hybrid between a tablet and a phone, of course! I just made my Android tablet a phablet by doing these simple steps:

1. Install the Google Voice app on the tablet
2. Install the Talkatone app on the tablet
3. Go to a web browser and add the Talkatone phone number to the Google Voice account

So where does the hacking come in? It's like this: Talktone only let's you receive calls for free, but not dial calls for free. Once your introductory free minutes are gone, you've gotta pay up in order to dial out. Unless you're me or you, that is! You see, we are going to call out by making the Google Voice app call IN to your Talkatone app. Wait, you mean one app will call the other app, all on the same device??? Yup!!!

When you need to dial out, just go to the Google Voice app and dial your friend's number but choose your Talkatone phone number in the dropdown menu. The next thing that will happen is that your Talkatone app will ring. Once you pick it up, it will start ringing your friend's number. Just like my previous Google Voice hack, we are basically dialing out by dialing in! Enjoy free unlimited outbound/inbound VoIP on your phantabulet!!!

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